Falling Upon Another Shore (Book)


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Falling upon Another Shore is a 320-page novel that combines dreamt fantast and harsh sci-fi to shine a light on our place in the world, our identity, and the tightrope balance between progress and preservation.

Naturally, all of this is covered in a thick, creamy layer of gay romance!

The blurb on the back reads as follows:

Sulin's first love was the sea. As a young fisherman, he'd spent all of his life near the water. Many of his
peers wanted to see the world beyond the dense jungle that sheltered their village, but not Sulin. He had
no ambitions and was perfectly content living his entire life near this familiar shore. Or so he told himself.
But life seldom is so tranquil.
One fateful day, the skies above Sulin's home were set ablaze by a battle between the mages that protected
his world and a mysterious force of metal giants that came from the skies. The mages managed to destroy
the invaders, but the aftermath of the battle left Sulin's home polluted by the wreckage of the fallen giants.
Fortunately, the mages were kind enough to send one of their own to help Sulin's village clean up the
mess left behind.
That mage is called Eliwise, and though he's young and inexperienced, he single-handedly causes Sulin to
challenge all he knows about himself. Not only that, but he has to do so while the mystery of the metal
giants remains unresolved. Where did they come from? Why did they attack?
As Sulin and Eliwise grow closer and make progress getting rid of the wreckage, they soon find
themselves faced with a series of revelations and choices that go far beyond anything they are ready for.
When the stars start moving, what Sulin and Eliwise decide to do might not only affect their own fate, but
the very fate of the world itself.


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